Form 1099-LTC - 1099-LTC Instructions included
The form 1099-LTC
- the term "Long-Term Care Benefits" means:
1. Any payments made under a product that is advertised, marketed or offered as long-term care insurance (whether qualified or not) and
2. Accelerated death benefits (Read more in the 1099-LTC Instructions)
You can download the 1099-LTC instructions as a 2 page pdf file.
The sections to fill out on the 1099-LTC are:
- Payer's - Name, address, city, state etc.
- Payer's Federal ID number
- Policy holder's ID number ip
- Policy holder's Name - Address - Apt. #, City, State, Zip
- Insured's Name - Address - Apt. #, City, State, Zip
- Insured's Social Security Number
- Gross long-term benefits paid
- Accelerated death benefits paid
- Per Diem - or Reimbursed amount
- Qualified contract (optional)
- Optional - Chronically Ill or Terminally Ill
- Date Certified
Download the Form 1099-K with Instructions to better understand what it looks like.
(Not for filing)
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